A Comprehensive School Health Program has been initiated at Kinondo Primary School
A program to improve the health and life skills of the children in Kinondo has been initiated with Kinondo Primary School as its base, where the health of the children can be improved through sensitization and training, but also through interaction with others in health discussions, through debates and health talks. The program has incorporated all aspects of health presented amongst the school going children. It has put into consideration the Ministries of Education and Health’s guidelines and the new syllabus that can be implemented in primary schools. The positive effect of promotion of health is expected to spill over to the community through children taking good health practices to home and to improve their quality of life.
The physical environment at Kinondo Primary School is being improved. A well, a water tower and a new kitchen are being built and a garden for cultivating vegetables and fruits will be created.
The program was initiated by Alba Langenskiöld foundation, who is financing it together with Alba Care Foundation and Infinity foundation.
The current kitchen at Kinondo Primary School
Project Manager Kitty Phelister Morris together with Ms Abigail Mwachiru, Headmaster in Kinondo Primary School
A new kitchen is built