Kinondo Primary is a state-run school
The reform that was introduced in 2004 made school free of charge for the first 8 years. However, the government did not financially support the reform. The number of pupils exploded, but the schools did not get funds to pay for more teachers. That is why you can see classes with up to 80 pupils. Kinondo Kwetu Trust fund supports with salaries for extra teachers in Kinondo Primary school.
Kinondo Primary school's premises were in a very poor condition in 2005, with the rain pouring through the roof, big holes in the floor, so that it was not possible to have desks for the pupils to sit in, and very little light coming in through the very narrow windows. The fund has supported the school for improvement of the premises.
For many years, pupils from Viktor Rydbergs Samskola in Sweden have helped to finance salaries for extra teachers and to pay for school uniforms for pupils whose parents can not afford to pay.