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Your support matters!

Thank you for contributing! All donations will to 100% go to Kinondo Kwetu Hospital or to support high school studies.

We especially welcome recurring donations but one-time donations are of course also highly appreciated.

If you have a specific purpose for your donation, please send us a mail at kinondoaid@gmail.com.

I want to support Kinondo Kwetu’s work for healthcare and education.

Direct payments to Kinondo Kwetu Trust fund can be made to Standard Chartered Bank in Kenya:

USD, ACCOUNT NO: 8702444924100   
EUR, ACCOUNT NO: 9302444924100
KES, ACCOUNT NO:  0102444924100

PLEASE NOTIFY BY EMAIL to kinondoaid@gmail.com, if you make a direct transfer!

Bic/Swift code: SCBLKENXXXX

Donations from Sweden:

Donations in SEK are welcome to plusgiro 90 03 68-2, Insamlingsföreningen Kinondo Support