This mother has attended the ante natal care at Kinondo Kwetu during her pregnancy and now she brings her baby here for vaccination
Our Impact
During its 10 years, Kinondo Kwetu Medical Center has improved the general health of the inhabitants in Kinondo villages;
- All babies are immunised.
- The mortality rate among mothers, infants and children has been brought down significantly.
- Pregnant women come for antenatal visits to the center, which has brought down the number of stillborn babies.
- There are no more home deliveries in Kinondo.
- Malaria infections are cured and do not result in death, unless there is complication caused by another disease.
- Patients suffering from HIV, TB and diabetes are treated, resulting in a great improvement of their life quality.
- Babies born by HIV-positive mothers are not infected and stay negative.
- The jigger parasite that causes fatigue and pain among the school-going children, has been almost extinguished.
Through sponsorships children from Kinondo have got access to high school.
Through support from Kinondo Kwetu Trust fund, Kinondo Primary school has been able to hire more teachers for their very big classes, and can serve food to the nursery children. We also provide school uniforms to children whose parents cannot afford to pay.