
Stawisha Pwani and USAID

Stawisha Pani is a project that aims at ending the AIDS epidemic. To this Stawisha Pwani and Kinondo Kwetu Hospital cooperate to improve the lives of the more than 700 HIV-infected patients which regularly visit the clinic. Deliveries at the facility prevent transmission of HIV from mother to baby. The babies are then closely monitored for 5 years to ensure that they stay negative. 
The  project r is financed by USAID.

Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Kinondo Kwetu Medical center takes part in a research project that is carried out by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. It aims at developing a digital diagnosis method for cervical cancer. 

Insamlingsföreningen Kinondo Support

is a Swedish association that has as its sole purpose to collect funds and give financial support to Kinondo Kwetu Trust Fund.
The association is authorized for a 90-account in Sweden, which is a guarantee for donors that their funds are used for the named purpose. Read about 90-accounts here
Members of the board are Anne Holm Rannaleet, Anna Stenberg, Filip Andersson and Louise Ankarcrona. 


Many of the diseases among the Kinondo inhabitants are caused by unclean water. The Swedish invention, Solvatten, makes it possible to purify water with the help of the sun. Kinondo Kwetu Medical Center has received Solvatten units, that have been distributed to persons in Kinondo with especially strong needs for clean water, like mothers with newborn babies.  This has resulted in fewer cases of diarrhoea. Also, the hot water that is generated by Solvatten, saves a lot of time and work to gather wood for cooking.