Kinondo Kwetu extends its collaboration with USAID and the Afya Pwani programme

In addition to their already existing and successful collaboration with Kinondo Kwetu Medical center, USAID and its Afya Pwani programme, has requested Kinondo Kwetu Trust fund to offer consultation to Kinango and Lunga Lunga sub counties.

Kinondo Kwetu Medical center now supports 25 government facilities in Kinango and Lunga Lunga, in their work within the programme. It is designed to fight HIV by giving education, identifying infected patients, and giving care and treatment.

The support is basically directed to the HIV patients, but also to the community level, through peer educators who help identifying the persons in need. A field officer ensures smooth running of the activities, which include forming support groups for pregnant women, for children, for adolescents and  for those with high viral loads.


Meet Philis Kerubo Orero, counselor at Kinondo Kwetu Medical center!


Sara works with the Momic Project