Meet Sara
The first time Sara Törnquist came to Kinondo, it was to celebrate her sister’s anniversary at Kinondo Kwetu Hotel. Sara was then a gerontology nurse. She asked if she could stay on for some weeks to work as a volunteer in Kinondo Kwetu Medical Center.
The work at Kinondo made her want to change specialty and, back in Sweden, she studied to become a midwife, a field of work where she is passionate. Since the first time, there have been many new periods of work for Sara at Kinondo and she has brought a lot of knowledge with her, as well as have many of her midwife friends, that she has brought with her.
At present, Sara is engaged in the research project that Professor Johan Lundin from Karolinska Institute is running, with the aim to develop a digital diagnosis method to identify cervical cancer, and where Kinondo Kwetu Medical center is taking an active part.