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Your support matters!

Thank you for contributing! All donations will to 100% be used for the purpose you choose.

Choose your purpose:

Free health care for a family of up to six persons
60 USD pays one year’s health insurance for a family


Sponsor a child’s high school studies
400 USD pays for four years high school studies


Contribute to fund a prosthetic for a disabled child or person.
A below-knee prosthetic costs 400 USD and above-knee 1000 USD.


General support to Kinondo Kwetu hospital’s work


Direct payments to Kinondo Kwetu Trust fund can be made to the following accounts in Standard Chartered Bank in Kenya:
USD, account no: 8702 4449 24100  
EUR, account no: 9302 4449 24100
KES,  account no: 0102 4449 24100
PLEASE NOTIFY BY EMAIL to kinondoaid@gmail.com, if you make a direct transfer.

In Sweden, we welcome donations in SEK, plusgiro 90 03 68-2, to Insamlingsföreningen Kinondo Support